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California Currents -- June 2019

In This Issue: California's PFAS Problem | Sustainable Groundwater | Progress on Safe, Affordable Drinking Water | Lost Hills | Climate Emergency Mobilization | Teaching Environmental Studies in East Oakland | An Award-Winning Restaurant

Minnesota Currents -- June 2019

In this issue: Legislative wrap-up | 3M Settlement update | Field to Fork | ReThink Disposable | Minnesotans go Washington | Water Action Day

New England Currents -- June 2019

In this issue: PFAS: The Nonstick nightmare | Massachusetts: Getting the lead out in Chelsea | Massachusetts: Increasing solar access for low-income communities | Massachusetts: Spring for Water | Connecticut: Fighting for clean energy | Connecticut: State Water Plan victory | Rhode Island: Breakfast of Champions | Rhode Island: Advocating for solutions to climate change and plastic pollution

Clean Water Currents -- Spring 2019

In This Issue: The Water Polluter Loophole | Sacrificing Colorado's Groundwater | Reforming our Democracy | Court Rules to Protect Clean Water | The Forever Chemical | Rejecting the Dirty Water Rule

Residential Sewage Backups in Baltimore City, FY2018

The purpose of this essay is to shed light on the issue of basement backups of raw sewage in the homes of Baltimore City residents. There are many different aspects of this issue that will be addressed including health impacts, climate change, and reimbursement for households. One of the essential