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Re: OMB circular M-20-34, “Training in the Federal Government,” and the September 22nd Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping

On behalf of our millions of members and supporters across the country, we write with deep concern about -- and strong opposition to -- the September 4th 2020 OMB circular M-20-34, “Training in the Federal Government,” and the related September 22nd 2020 Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping.


Clean Water Action y Clean Water Fund Informe Anual 2019

A lo largo de 2019, nuestros programas defendieron las protecciones esenciales del medio ambiente y de salud, al tiempo que fortalecieron la base de personas que se preocupan por nuestra agua y quieren verla protegida — ahora y para las futuras generaciones. Continuamos sentando las bases para revertir lo peor de los recortes y reversiones extremos propuestos por los contaminadores y sus aliados en el gobierno. Juntos, podemos restaurar el compromiso histórico de nuestra nación con el agua apta para pescar, nadar y beber.

Michigan Currents | Fall 2020

In This Issue: The Path to the White House Runs Through the State of Michigan | Voting Safely in Michigan | The Road to an Environmental Majority in the Michigan State House | Line 5 Tunnel Permits Move Forward, Despite Major Concerns | 2020 Great Lakes Awards Celebration

Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund 2019 Annual Report

Throughout 2019, our programs defended essential environmental and health protections, while strengthening the grassroots base of people who care about our water and want to see it protected — now and for future generations. We continue to lay the groundwork to reverse the worst of the extreme cuts and rollbacks advanced by polluters and their allies in government. Together, we can restore our nation’s historic commitment to fishable, swimmable, drinkable water.