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Today the Biden Administration announced a Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan, a multi-agency effort to remediate lead paint in over 24 million housing units and to upgrade drinking water infrastructure to replace lead pipes.

Lynn Thorp, Clean Water Action's Campaigns Director, released the following statement:

"We welcome the Biden Administration’s Lead Pipe and Paint Action Plan and applaud its recognition that investment and focused effort in communities, at the state level and in multiple federal agencies, is needed to reduce lead exposure. Lead exposure is a critical public health issue that impacts all of us but puts children’s developing brains at particular risk. The administration’s detailed plan to put lead paint and lead pipes behind us acknowledges that the burdens of lead exposure have been inequitably distributed and that low income communities and communities of color are often unequally burdened by lead exposure. We look forward to working with the Administration to ensure that these ambitious investments and programs dramatically reduce lead exposure, and that any revisions and implementation of Safe Drinking Water Act Lead and Copper Rule provisions result in the full replacement of all lead service lines in drinking water distribution systems and in modernizing other regulatory requirements to reduce lead at the tap."


Since the organization’s founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking, and people power to the table.

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