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Expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam, or what most of us call "Styrofoam", is toxic to our health, environment and water. Toxic chemicals from foam containers can leach into food and drinks, and then be ingested, especially when the food or beverage is served hot. These containers are also hard to recycle and become litter that harms our waterways and wildlife.

HB1902 would ban the use of EPS foam food containers, including foam cups and clamshells, by July 1, 2025 and requires certain chain restaurants to begin phasing out such containers by July 1, 2023. Bills similar to HB 1902 have passed in more than 150 municipalities in the US, as well as statewide bills in Maryland, New York, Vermont, New Jersey, and Maine. 

We don’t need single-use polystyrene cups and containers – there are plenty of recyclable, compostable, and, better yet, reusable alternatives available.

Take Action! Contact members of the Virginia General Assembly and urge them to protect our health and environment from toxic single-use food containers.

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