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We get asked this question a lot – even more frequently of late. You deserve some answers.

In ordinary times, Clean Water Action sends out 2 or 3 fundraising (or fundraising-related) appeals each month. Most frequently, this is done by email. We may also call you on the phone, send you a letter in the mail, or (pre-COVID-19) visit you at home when one of our teams is out knocking on doors in your neighborhood.

These are the most effective tools we have to grow and support our organization and to keep our members and the public informed and involved. We know from experience (I think you know this, too) that people are much more likely to make a donation when we ask them to do so, and less likely to give if we fail to ask, or fail to make the case. We always appreciate your feedback and work to accommodate your own communication preferences, as we are able.

We also do our best to coordinate all of this activity so that anyone who has donated recently is not asked to donate again right away. We also send many communications about things that are happening – from the local to the national – that affect our water, and how you can get involved. When we do ask for money, it is always in the context of the most up-to-date information we can provide about what is happening.

As you may have read, like many other nonprofits, Clean Water Action has recently made the difficult decision to suspend all of our door-to-door canvassing and person-to-person neighborhood outreach programs. We’ve also closed our offices to regular business and moved to remote working arrangements. These changes reflect our highest priority today: protecting the health of our staff and volunteers, our members, and the public.

At the same time, we remain committed to our mission and vision of fishable, swimmable drinkable water for all. Despite the current crisis, the Trump administration continues to push ahead with its reckless agenda of cuts, rollbacks and weakening changes to policies that protect our water and our health.

Bottom line: This is why we keep asking you for your support.

  • The need to continue the fight to Protect Clean Water and stop the Dirty Water agenda remains as urgent as ever.
  • The steps Clean Water Action has taken to exercise its responsibility to our staff, volunteers, members and the public come with significant costs, even if they are the right thing to do.
  • For Clean Water Action members who are able to continue or increase their financial support at this time, know that your contributions are urgently needed and much appreciated.
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