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As I’m writing this from my home office, my lone coworker, Woodie, has gotten tired of warming my feet and wants to go outside to play. I’ll be right back!

OK! A few minutes outside was nice. Good call, Woodie!

While I was out, I got an email from SurveyMonkey Contribute, inviting me to take another short survey to benefit Clean Water. I’ll check it out later today when I have couple of minutes. So far almost half a million people have signed up to participate and have raised more than $864,000 for Clean Water Fund! We are so grateful. Why don’t you consider joining them?

In the meantime, I’m frustrated. Despite this public health crisis, there no sign that the Trump administration is doing anything to moderate its continuing attacks on protections that keep our water clean. On the contrary, polluters and their allies appear to be doubling down. Trump appointees have even refused to give the public more time to submit comments on proposed rules during this crisis. Why not take a moment to take one of our actions and take a stand in favor of protecting clean water?

Last June, Clean Water Action made a new no-cost planning tool available to our members, through our partnership with FreeWill. I haven’t had a chance to try it out for myself yet, but a lot of our members have found it helpful, and I intend to follow their example. This online tool basically helps you think through the process of what should happen in the future, when we’re no longer around. The end result is a legally valid will or a detailed planning framework you can share with an attorney. Getting organized in this way is an incredible gift you can give to yourself and to your loved ones – and, also for the nonprofit causes you care about most. Check it out and let me know what you think? Is it helpful? Is it easy to use? Would you recommend it to others? Email me with your feedback.

I’ll be adding additional tips, suggestions and request to this post a few more times in the coming weeks. Would love to hear from you with your thoughts.