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ReThink Disposable is uniting with Middletown Public Schools for Zero-Trash School Meals!

Clean Water Fund’s ReThink Disposable program is working in Connecticut with the City of Middletown and Sustainable CT to transition all ten Middletown public schools to 100% reusable foodware and enhance Middletown’s profile as a leader in sustainability. We are thrilled to be partnering with Middletown schools to green their food operations!

Take the Pledge! - 10 Things You Can Do to Reduce Single-Use Waste

Single-use products are the main source of trash in our waters. When this garbage is disposed of improperly, it ends up in our stormwater and sewer systems, and ultimately our oceans, which has a devastating impact on marine life. In addition, the manufacturing of plastic products produces enormous amounts of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants.

ReThink Disposable: Stop Waste Before It Starts

Here in New Jersey, we love our local restaurants and shops. Let’s take a minute and appreciate them just a little more because they are helping Clean Water Action take on a huge environmental issue: single-use disposables.


North Jersey's New ReThink Disposable Organizer!

I'm so excited to start a new position as the new North Jersey organizer for Clean Water Action’s Rethink Disposable program. I want to mention that I’m a canvasser too. If you live in North Jersey, we may have met at your front door! While I’m canvassing and talking to people all over the state about environmental issues in New Jersey, I love the fact that no matter where I go everyone cares about the environment and tries to do their part in protecting it.